Thursday, December 16, 2010

My first Post ......Well obviously its a movie review.....

It can be easily understood from the title that this blog caters to the world of movies,films,cinema or anything related to it.....

though my posts or reviews on various flicks may not be regular or periodic in nature,i will make sure that i post my views on a flick whenever i watch one and whenever i get access to the net.....
during the past one year i had an habit of texting my reviews of movies i had watched in the theatre to my friends and loved ones...but nowadays that feels to tiring ..........and people complain a lot - some don't receive the complete message,some don't bother reading it whole,etc,etc......
so that's why i have turned to the net mode of texting my views and reviews.......
so i hope u all enjoy my posts,please do comment on them expressing ur own views on that particular movie......

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